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"People keep telling me life goes on, but for me that's the hardest part."



Sibling Narratives

Adult Sibling Loss: Sibling Narratives

It can be difficult to articulate the significance of sibling loss. It is a life-altering event that results in varied emotions that can take years or decades to manage. The following are bereaved sibling accounts of loss and its lingering effects.

Tamara describes the personal impact of her brother's murder and the importance of acknowledging sibling loss.

Laura recalls her feelings of guilt during her sister's battle with sickle cell anemia and conflicting feelings after her death.

Adult Sibling Loss: Narrative Take Aways

Burke, L. & Neimeyer, R. (2008). African Americans in bereavement: Grief as a function of ethnicity. Journal of Death and Dying, 57(2), 173-193

Rando, T.  (1989). How to go on living when someone you love dies. Bantam.

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